My hair is not curly - more like a frizzy wave that I squelch with my beloved flat iron. Frizz and pouf are my enemies - and I was thrilled with Claire's lovely, long loose curls that just shined and were frizz free.
Chloe's hair was much darker at birth - and she kept her hair through her first year, instead of the nearly bald dirty blond that Claire had (or didn't have.) As Chloe's hair formed into the standard little girl mullet that always happens until you finally break down and trim the back, it... well... got curly.
It seems as the weeks and months go by, it just gets curlier. While getting my hair cut one day I asked my hairdresser what to do with it - she confirmed that curly hair tends to get curlier as kids age, and I needed to throw away her brush and invest in a wide tooth comb. Obediently, I did as she suggested and also picked up conditioner spray and spray gel.
Monday I consulted my curly haired work friend on how to manage the hair as it grew longer and more wild with the humidity. She pointed me to her favorite products and curly hair websites. Seriously? Websites dedicated to the care and products for Chloe's type - complete with frequently asked questions, articles on hair types and message boards that were answered by "experts" in the field. This was perfect for me.
I've now educated myself on proper curl care: no pony tails, no brushes, shampoo as little as possible, and the "rake and shake" technique. I'm browsing the product selection - Chloe will be the only 2 year old with more hair care items then her mother. Today I sent her to school without her usual pulled back 'do and tried a little spray gel after letting it dry naturally. Her teachers mourned her new shorter "hair cut" until I let them know that I did NOT cut her hair, but the humidity had just taken over. Maybe some different product will help....