Saturday, May 1, 2010

When Life Hands You Bananas

I wouldn't say that I am a banana snob, but I do have my preferences. My bananas need to be a greenish shade of yellow without a spot of brown. Right at that point that the peel is a little tough to peel off. Not to brag or anything, but I have a unique talent to select bananas at the store that are still green but will turn to a perfect yellow - not the dreaded bunch that goes from green straight to brown. Yuck.

Because I was not the one to make the banana selection last weekend, we ended up with three freckled and sorry looking bananas this morning. I didn't even consider trying to sneak them into Chloe's breakfast - they were just that past their prime. A wave of domestic air happened to pass through the house at the exact moment I was opening the trash can to toss the foul trio into. I rounded up the girls and we raided the pantry for flour, brown sugar, eggs and butter and whipped up a loaf of banana bread on the fly. After we banished Chloe from helping (a.k.a. throwing glass bowls around and grabbing a softening stick of butter) Claire took over banana mashing duty (ick!) and ingredient stirring while I dug a medley of spices out of the cabinet to toss in.

"Cleaning" out the bowl

Mmmm... no need for the dishwasher now!

One hour and five minutes later our masterpiece was ready and starting to cool. Everyone had a piece or two for their afternoon snack and it was a hit! Even Jason dug in. I guess even non perfect bananas have their place in life!

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