for fried chicken, pop up tents, TV's and folding chairs, and a whole lot of ORANGE! Football season is back, and while I've learned to temper my expectations on the "big one" season, we still have a great time with friends enjoying the tailgate and football Saturdays.
This year is different. No longer can I rise at the crack of dawn to stir a simmering pot of chili or bake a batch of brownies before loading up the car and heading out the driveway in an orange blur without the kids noticing something fun is going on. Back in June, Claire casually dropped into random sentences that she was planning on attending the football games with us. All of them. And NO, she didn't care if they were hot, loud and long. She was going, and there was no other discussion needed. And with Claire in full tailgate planning mode, you can bet her little sidekick was also fluffing her orange pom poms.

The first game of the season (a.k.a. cupcake game #1) was Labor Day weekend, which ended up being a blissfully cool 87*. In one of my most intelligent moments of my life, I remembered during a Wal Mart trip to pick up battery powered spray fans which were the hit of our entire section and all those who benefited from their overspray.
The girls have had a ball at our first two games this year. They loved the chicken fingers and cookies, juice boxes and frozen lemonades. And the boys running down the hill and visiting the tiger down at the field wall. Next up is the Miami game on October 2nd. We're hoping the weather will cool off and bring us some real Fall football!
One note on a not so good part about football season..... and that is potty training your 2 year old. Porta potties and loud stadium bathrooms make for little success. And no brownie will talk her out of just going in her trusty pull up.
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