Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Batter Up - Part II

Tuesdays seem to be rainy so far this summer, and Chloe's first practice and now first game have been rained out.  Finally we had a sunny (and hot!) Tuesday afternoon this week and her T-ball game when on as scheduled.

Because this was supposed to be the fourth practice of the year (Chloe's age group does a 30 minute practice immediately followed by a game) it shouldn't have matter that this week's practice time was turned into picture day.  Chloe and all her fellow Purple Panthers huddled up and took their individual photos before posing for their group/team shot.

 The photographers were roasting in the 90* afternoon sun, but they managed to keep their composure as they herded 10 four year olds into formation and snapped a quick shot.

The team gathered at the field to size up the opposition, where we learned that the Panthers were first up to bat.  And who is at the top of the batting order?  Chloe jumps up front with her bright pink bat in hand, ready to take a whack at the tee and hopefully make contact with the ball.

At the plate, coach got her positioned in her lefty stance and she whacked the tee over a time or two.  In our world, we call that a "foul ball."

Eventually bat and ball did make contact, and she ran off to first base, practically skipping with excitement.

Exactly two batters later, she was rounding to third base, where she performed her 'I got on base' jig out of pure joy.
Charging towards 3rd

Oh Yeah!
I made it!!

After all the Panthers took their turn at bat, they switched up and took the field for the bottom of the inning.

Lining up in the infield

Soon the team separated into two distinct groups:  1) Kids who charge like crazy to get the ball, fight with each other to be the one who surfaces with the ball, and cry when they don't come up with the ball and 2) Kids who watch the other kids run, fight and cry.

Chloe fell into Group # 2.

"Hey... you guys got that one?  OK, cool..."

But she had a ball, got another hit and turn around the bases in the second inning.  Best of all, juice boxes and chips were provided as the after game snack. 

Want to know how well Chloe did in her first t-ball experience?  Just ask her... she'll tell you all about it, especially her two runs she scored.

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