There is a killer out there that is stalking our babies. In fact, over 12% of all babies are at risk - a 36% increase over the past 30 years. This killer does not pick out people who make bad lifestyle choices or forgo their prenatal care. It can happen to anyone, at any time - like it did to Chris and Jennifer at 4AM while asleep in bed. Jennifer's water broke at just 24 weeks of pregnancy.
Statistics were not in baby Myers' favor that day, but the medical team at Greenville Memorial began administering treatments to increase his odds of survival - all based on latest medical research to save our smallest patients. Jennifer received steroid treatments to strengthen Myers' lungs and other drugs to squelch her impending labor. Thankfully the labor stopped and Jennifer remained in the hospital under close monitoring and testing. The Doctors watched for signs of dangerous infection and watched Myers grow on the ultrasounds - only now he was missing his protective amniotic fluid, a vital part of healthy lung development. Three weeks later, on May 22, 2009, Myers was born at 27 weeks 6 days weighing 2 lbs 11 ounces.
Myers - Day 2 (2lbs 6oz)
Myers spent the next 71 days in the Level III NICU receiving more lifesaving treatments, 49 of which were spent on the ventilator, and came home with his Mom and Dad on July 31, 2009 - 2 weeks before his intended due date.
Today, Myers is a smiling and healthy 11 month old - on track developmentally for his adjusted age.

Myers - Easter 2010
On April 24th we will join up with Chris, Jennifer, Myers and the rest of "Team Myers" to walk in the March of Dimes "Walk for Babies" at Greenville's ICAR campus in an effort to raise money for the prevention and treatment of prematurity. Without this research and other donations, Myers would not have received treatment that saved his life - like surfactant treatment, a protein that keeps small air sacs in the lungs from collapsing. We are grateful for and glad to support this cause that is saving these precious lives.
To support the March of Dimes and Team Myers click here
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