One of my most favorite times is in the spring and fall when I can sit on my back porch and do nothing but relax, and hear nothing but birds and crickets. When the weather is warm enough to enjoy the porch it is after daylight savings time begins and the kids are long in bed.
On an occasional night Claire is allowed to stay up for quiet time on the porch with me - not exactly quiet, and difficult to hear the birds out there. The time is still well spent - she cuddles into my arm and we take turns playing with each other's hair. Such a peaceful end to our day.
Tonight I sit on the porch alone - Claire (and Chloe) already collapsed into bed after a fresh air filled Good Friday. Jason stained the swing set today, so the girls and I took advantage of the 86* temps and play time with Claire's BFF across the street. After hours outside this morning, we made a Chick-fil-a run for Jason and Chloe sulked herself to sleep for nap time. Claire and I headed out for her special treat that I have been promising for two months - a real pedicure before Easter. She and I both got our toes done, and Claire even got her nails done. A nice fresh start for open toe season which officially kicks off on Sunday!
Claire was in princess heaven. They had mini pink chairs for her to sit in with butterfly wings and a Cinderella playing DVD player strapped to the chair arm. She watched in amazement as her toe nails were trimmed, cuticles cut, legs lotioned and massaged and her nails painted. She chose purple glitter for her toes, and a bright pink for her fingers. The nail tech topped off her fingers with several small flowers hand painted. She loved it! "Mommy, can we do that every day?"

Several more hours of play followed our salon trip. Before long, all the little girls were in bathing suits spraying each other with the hose and washing toys in a metal tub. Hopefully this means she will sleep past 7AM tomorrow.
I loved this post- such sweet memories you are making! I miss you, old friend!! (you know I meant that you are not "old" but you are my oldest friend I have!) ha ha! xoxo