If you could imagine a happy day when you are a little girl, would there be candy involved? Hanging out with your pals and running around? Cupcakes? Nail painting? A freaky looking bunny? YES to all of these. And so began our Saturday.
The rain from overnight cleared out to a really pretty morning, where we hopped over to the other side of the 'hood for the annual Easter Egg hunt. The kids were broken into age groups and searched their respective areas for goodie filled eggs.
One kid from each age group found the golden egg.... we have a winner! Of a yummy golden chocolate bunny.
After the hunt was over, the girls went out to freshen up our nails just in time for Spring and Easter. Claire had her first mani/pedi last year, but this was Chloe's first experience.
They chose orange and purple alternating colors - to make Daddy happy!
And what made me happy? My new camera that I need to learn how to use now. :)
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Ode to a Wish Bone
Upon this bone I make my wish
For toys or clothes or food delish.
For this is the time, I'll be victor
Not my sister, that's for sure
Thrice before she has pulled to glee
She is smaller, weaker and younger than me!
I grab a hold, my victory clear
And close my eyes, a snap to hear
I pull with might and bone does split
We fall apart; I check my bit
Oh no! Not fair! Again, it is she!
"This bone," I say, "it can not be!"
Alas once more, I suffer defeat.
Until the next chicken that we eat.
Seeing Green
With the warmest winter I've experienced here in South Carolina coming to a close this week, Spring is in full bloom around here. Last year's garden was a raging success, so now armed with more knowledge and ambition I am working toward harvesting almost year round. I'm now in the cool spring vegetable planting season and the garden has been filled with lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower and collards. To me the most exciting part is my carrot seeds which have germinated into little green sprigs. Claire has taken to eating the romaine lettuce right off the plant - no ranch dressing needed for her!
Here are our strawberry plants - now in their 2nd year starting to bloom. Supposedly strawberries get sweeter after the first couple of years.
And our new addition is the herb box. Last year I grew herbs on my porch in small pots, where they drank water like fish and needed to be watered twice per day. I'm hoping that the box will give them a little more soil to drink from, and I've expanded to basil, oregano, rosemary and parsley.
Here are our strawberry plants - now in their 2nd year starting to bloom. Supposedly strawberries get sweeter after the first couple of years.
And our new addition is the herb box. Last year I grew herbs on my porch in small pots, where they drank water like fish and needed to be watered twice per day. I'm hoping that the box will give them a little more soil to drink from, and I've expanded to basil, oregano, rosemary and parsley.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
More Shower to Ya
It started on Friday last week. Claire started asking if she could start showering before school. That answer was easy: NO, because it would disrupt the perfectly timed and executed morning routine that we are already in. And me giving up 20 minutes of sleep to blow dry Claire’s hair was NOT going to happen. I felt like we were already in a pretty good place with the morning routine:
5:42 – my alarm goes off. I hit snooze, and continue to snooze every 7 minutes until
6:03 – alarm again, for the 4th time. I get up and get in the shower, get dressed, hair, make-up, yadda yadda…
6:40 – I start cooking breakfast (yes, usually there is cooking involved.)
6:50 – Claire and Chloe come downstairs
Last year, for her 5th birthday, Claire got an alarm clock for her birthday – a nice Hello Kitty clock radio that would look nice and collect dust on her nightstand. Soon after, Claire asked us to set it so she could wake up to the radio. I gave her list of things to accomplish in the morning once the alarm goes off: Get up. Bathroom. Get Dressed (clothes laid out the night before.) Make Bed. Brush Teeth. Come Downstairs. And it has worked like a champ since day one. She meets me in the kitchen at 6:50 ready for breakfast. A few months ago, Chloe and Claire hatched a plan that they were going to start sleeping together, and as long as they are in bed and quiet once 8pm rolled around, I was ok with it. (I realize this will come back to haunt me sometime in the future… Claire surely will get sick of having a little sister sleep with her.) So now that Chloe is sleeping with Claire, I have two kids that come downstairs at 6:50 every morning – dressed and brushed. Pretty awesome, if you ask me.
6:50 – 7:15 – eat breakfast and I do their hair.
7:20 – out the door
The morning shower bugging continued through the weekend, and we caved on Sunday night and Jason set the alarm for 6:05. The plan was for Claire to shower while Chloe stayed in bed… ya know, like Daddy does while Mommy is in the shower? 2 minutes into my Monday morning shower, my water pressure changes. Oh my gosh, she got out of bed and is in the shower. At 7:40 Claire is showered, dressed, teeth brushed, bed made and standing in my bathroom wrestling my brush through her wet hair. Amazed, I head for the kitchen as she is cranking up the hair dryer to blow dry her own hair. Wow, quite a nice start to a Monday morning.
Wednesday night, I get another request for a morning shower, and this time it is from Chloe. Chloe and Claire always shower together, and if everyone is in the right mood Claire does a great job helping Chloe wash up properly with no drama. When everyone is not in a good mood, there is a TON of drama, but that is best saved for another blog post… At 6:05, I am still lying in bed and I hear the alarm go off upstairs. 2 seconds later (how does she jump out of bed like that?? No snoozing???) Claire is demanding asking that Chloe get out of bed to get in the shower. I think the drama is about the kick into high gear, but decide to head to my shower anyways. Right as I finish out, Chloe walks in my room, soaking wet and wrapped in a towel.
I can’t believe they both did it! Chloe explains that Claire is stuck in the shower because there is a black ant on the floor just outside the shower, and Chloe had been nominated to leave the shower, survive the ant and summon a parent who could dispose of the ant. I found the microscopic ant and sent him down the toilet, and the routine continued. 10 minutes later, 2 clean and dressed kids appeared in the kitchen. I was actually a little tingly.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Little Reedy River Runner
Back in January Claire brought home some information for the Reedy River Run, an annual Greenville downtown run that has a great turn out year after year. Area schools are encouraged to participate in the 1 mile run, the 5k or 10k and have participants sign up on behalf of the school. The middle and elementary schools with the highest number of participants scores $1000 for their PTA from the race. Elementary kids were encouraged to participate in the mile run, and Claire couldn't wait to sign up ... so we signed her up, and the training program began. Jason wanted to do the training, so he started taking her on Sunday's and Wednesday's and jog a mile loop in our neighborhood to get her prepared. The first 2 training runs went well, she ran/walked the first, and ran the 2nd run in it's entirety. Things were looking good! When Jason's knee started hurting from a Crossfit injury, I decided to take over the training runs, which ended up like this:
Feb. 15th - Awesome! Ran the whole thing. No watch, but it was likely just under a 10:00 per mile pace. She tells me, "Mom, we are NOT walking!"
Feb. 19th - Rain Out
Feb. 22nd - Rain Out
Feb. 26th - Not long after a big lunch, and Claire complains of tired legs, sloshing stomach and stops to walk several times. I see the drama factor coming into play. 10:41 time
Feb. 29th - Strong start leads to lots of chitter chatter during the run. I warn Claire not to talk while running but it's too late... a side cramp hits, and it is a whine fest for the next 7 minutes. 11:20 time. Ugh.
March 2nd, Race day:
We get up to Friday's day of school to pouring rain. The forecast isn't looking good, and I talk to Claire about the possibility of running in the rain, or having the event cancelled all together due to lightning. She's cool with running in the rain.
5pm: Pick her up from after school and get her changed and head downtown. 5 minutes before we get into downtown, the sky opens up and it is pouring like crazy. Ugh.
5:20pm: Traffic is nuts, but at least the rain has lightened. Claire and I jump out at a stop light to find packet pick up and the start line. We discuss all the million ways that it will be impossible for her to get lost on the course. Follow the bikes, the police officers, the orange cones, and the hundreds of kids that will surely be in front of her.
5:40pm: We find the start line, get Claire's number and shirt and watch the start of the 1/4 mile kiddie run. Claire's feeling like a big kid since she is doing the MILE, not the kiddie run.
5:50pm: Claire and 450 kids line up at the start. I am REALLY nervous about her getting trampled by the huge boys that are all around her. They look like this is pretty serious business.

6:00pm: And they're off! Jason, Chloe and I run a block away to catch the back side of the rectangle route. I say a silent prayer that she doesn't have a dramatic meltdown and sit down on the course somewhere and pout.

6:04pm: The speedy 10-12 year old boys are coming at us, full speed. This point is about 3/4 way into the race, and their faces show it. I am proud of these kids that I don't even know, and their sheer determination. Kids stream by - a few girls, and even fewer Claire-size kids.
6:06ish: I see her! She's flying down the road right against the shoulder where I am standing! Big kids are all around her, and she looks so... young. I am SO SO SO proud of her for giving it all she had. I snap a picture, and we sprint back down the side street to the finish line.
6:09: She's in the finisher's shoot!

I turn and snap a picture as she crosses the finish line. Nine oh.. WHAT? Her clock time is 9:08????

We collect Claire and her new shiny medal in the madness of kids and parents and she is overcome with emotion. Tears flow, she says she hurts ... yet so excited at her accomplishment. She gets a "runner's only" bottle of water and cinnamon bread and we head over to the emcee table where we wait around for the awards ceremony. Finally they start announcing, and give away awards to the top three boy and girl finishers and the top Elementary School and Middle School participants. Finally, they start the age group awards with the 5-6 year old girls. 3rd place ran an 8:58 chip time, which was only 5 seconds faster than Claire's chip time of 9:03. She was a little bummed about missing a trophy award for the age group place, but still pumped over her 4th place finish.
The celebration went on at Pizza Inn, Claire's favorite place (ugh), and she told her friends all about her race today at the birthday party we had. But the best part was when she said "I can't wait to do it again next year!"
Feb. 15th - Awesome! Ran the whole thing. No watch, but it was likely just under a 10:00 per mile pace. She tells me, "Mom, we are NOT walking!"
Feb. 19th - Rain Out
Feb. 22nd - Rain Out
Feb. 26th - Not long after a big lunch, and Claire complains of tired legs, sloshing stomach and stops to walk several times. I see the drama factor coming into play. 10:41 time
Feb. 29th - Strong start leads to lots of chitter chatter during the run. I warn Claire not to talk while running but it's too late... a side cramp hits, and it is a whine fest for the next 7 minutes. 11:20 time. Ugh.
March 2nd, Race day:
We get up to Friday's day of school to pouring rain. The forecast isn't looking good, and I talk to Claire about the possibility of running in the rain, or having the event cancelled all together due to lightning. She's cool with running in the rain.
5pm: Pick her up from after school and get her changed and head downtown. 5 minutes before we get into downtown, the sky opens up and it is pouring like crazy. Ugh.
5:20pm: Traffic is nuts, but at least the rain has lightened. Claire and I jump out at a stop light to find packet pick up and the start line. We discuss all the million ways that it will be impossible for her to get lost on the course. Follow the bikes, the police officers, the orange cones, and the hundreds of kids that will surely be in front of her.
5:40pm: We find the start line, get Claire's number and shirt and watch the start of the 1/4 mile kiddie run. Claire's feeling like a big kid since she is doing the MILE, not the kiddie run.
5:50pm: Claire and 450 kids line up at the start. I am REALLY nervous about her getting trampled by the huge boys that are all around her. They look like this is pretty serious business.
6:00pm: And they're off! Jason, Chloe and I run a block away to catch the back side of the rectangle route. I say a silent prayer that she doesn't have a dramatic meltdown and sit down on the course somewhere and pout.
6:04pm: The speedy 10-12 year old boys are coming at us, full speed. This point is about 3/4 way into the race, and their faces show it. I am proud of these kids that I don't even know, and their sheer determination. Kids stream by - a few girls, and even fewer Claire-size kids.
6:06ish: I see her! She's flying down the road right against the shoulder where I am standing! Big kids are all around her, and she looks so... young. I am SO SO SO proud of her for giving it all she had. I snap a picture, and we sprint back down the side street to the finish line.
6:09: She's in the finisher's shoot!
I turn and snap a picture as she crosses the finish line. Nine oh.. WHAT? Her clock time is 9:08????
We collect Claire and her new shiny medal in the madness of kids and parents and she is overcome with emotion. Tears flow, she says she hurts ... yet so excited at her accomplishment. She gets a "runner's only" bottle of water and cinnamon bread and we head over to the emcee table where we wait around for the awards ceremony. Finally they start announcing, and give away awards to the top three boy and girl finishers and the top Elementary School and Middle School participants. Finally, they start the age group awards with the 5-6 year old girls. 3rd place ran an 8:58 chip time, which was only 5 seconds faster than Claire's chip time of 9:03. She was a little bummed about missing a trophy award for the age group place, but still pumped over her 4th place finish.
The celebration went on at Pizza Inn, Claire's favorite place (ugh), and she told her friends all about her race today at the birthday party we had. But the best part was when she said "I can't wait to do it again next year!"

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