Sunday, August 15, 2010

Party Time!

I can control a lot of things. But I can't control the weather. That didn't stop me from checking the forecast for Saturday at least 6 times per day all week leading up to Saturday. Every forecast said the same thing - rain. Cooler temps. And it's time for a break, right? After all, for the past 100 days of summer it's been over 95* almost every day - and the weather people actually sound a little excited about talking about drought conditions again because it just hardly ever rains. Especially in August - everyone knows it is just hot with an occasional afternoon pop up thunderstorm.

Unless you are having your 5th birthday party at your house with a rented water slide with 25 of your closest 5 year old buddies coming over to run wild in the back yard. THEN you can see the storm clouds rolling up. The quote on the Friday night and Saturday morning weather reports: "better not have any outdoor plans this weekend that don't involve an umbrella!" I laid in bed Friday night listening to the rain whip outside thinking about how to escape the torment that was coming to me. I considered locking the front door, shutting the blinds, and leaving a platter of cupcakes on the front porch with instructions to take one and LEAVE. Jason tried to make me feel better.... it's a water slide, right? Who cares if it rains! Save me from running the hose all day!

Thankfully the weather people did what they did best... try to ruin your weekend and they were WRONG!! HA! We didn't see a drop of rain from 6AM until 5PM. It was overcast for most of the morning, but it helped to keep temps down so us parents didn't pass out on the porch and deck watching the kids run around like maniacs going down that slide a few hundred times each.

Party Favors


Waiting for everyone to show up

Claire and her buddies had a ball - the slide was a big hit, pizza was served and the cupcakes were fabulous.

When the sun came out after everyone was exhausted around 2:00, we decided to turn the water off and let the slide dry out and pack it back up. It was still forecasted to rain on Sunday, so we didn't want to have to deal with shoving a wet slide in the back of Jason's SUV. Around 5PM Saturday night the rain started - flash flood warnings and all, it sure did rain! And good think we packed it up because Sunday's weather was terr... oh, wait.... It's 95* and bright and sunny today!!

That's OK, Claire is exhausted and napping now to get ready for her first day of kindergarten tomorrow - which happens to be on her actual 5th birthday!

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