Saturday, January 30, 2010

We'll take it!

I was starting to get worried about this winter - it just wasn't looking like we were going to see any sort of snow at all this year. Finally "the big one" brewed up this week and we caught the fringe, ending up with 30 seconds of snow, and 7 hours of sleet. We can work with that!

I think the entire neighborhood woke up to the 6:45 AM shriek of "Mommy, it snoooooooooowed!" Knowing the likelihood of sleeping in on a snow day is about the same as on Christmas morning, I got up to find Claire already in her ski bib and hunting for her jacket. True to Claire, she had already had a quick breakfast and we went back upstairs to get Chloe up - who, along with everyone else, was awakened by the shriek. Chloe did refuse breakfast when she realized that "snow pants" and "outside" were being used in the same sentence. So, with everyone bundled up we headed out back.

It really was a pathetic site. Crunchy, frozen grass pushing through a meager icy coating - you almost needed a sledge hammer to break it up to make a snow (ice) ball.
The deck was a sheet of ice, it was starting to sleet again and it was 30 degrees out. The kids didn't care - they were ready to play! Ignoring the fact that there wasn't any decent snow, the slide became an acceptable substitute.

Finally the rest of the kids on the street came out and started sledding down the icy street. It might not be snow, but it does make for a fast saucer ride and a pretty view!

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